According to their website, JSTOR is a database that provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. It aims to help explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. For many professions, especially in the humanities field, JSTOR is an essential tool for students and professors alike for conducting research for data and source material. JSTOR is not an actual publisher but instead works with publishers to digitize their scholarly journals.

Date range

It seems that all available content provided by JSTOR ranges from 1665 to the present day, with new content constantly being added to the database.


JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, which is a not-for-profit organization. Other services of ITHAKA include Ithaka S+R and Portic. Additionally, it also provides services for Artstor. 

Publisher About page

Object type

JSTOR has a wide variety of journal articles, books, images, and primary sources.

Location of original materials

The location of the original materials can be found across the JSTOR database, as authors and researchers have their original work published with them.

Does JSTOR have exportable images?

JSTOR indeed has images that can be exported.

How about facsimile images?

JSTOR seems to have facsimile images available for people to use.

Is JSTOR full-text searchable?

JSTOR support full-text keyword searching across all of its content on their website.

Titles list links

Title list links can be found here: https://support.jstor.org/hc/en-us/articles/115007466248-JSTOR-Title-Lists

History of JSTOR

Conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, who served as a professor at Princeton University and president of the Mellon Foundation, JSTOR was established to help university and college libraries provide the requisite space for the massive influx of published scholarship. By converting printed scholarly journals into electronic form and storing them in a centralized digital archive, JSTOR helped to free physical space, reduce the amount of money spent on storage, and vastly improve access to scholarly research. In 2009, JSTOR merged with and became a service of ITHAKA, where it remains a not-for-profit organization that continues to work to preserve knowledge and advance learning through the use of digital technologies.


“What a terrific service you offer! Thanks for the wonderful tool that makes scholarly research so much more accessible.” – Nicole C. Raeburn, Graduate Student, Dept. of Sociology, Ohio State University


While you can make a free account, you are limited to six articles every 30 days. Getting full access does cost a monthly fee, but it is free for individuals such as students and researchers at universities.

Information from Publishers

Information from publishers can be found here: https://about.jstor.org/tag/publishers/


Citations for articles and other scholarly materials are always required in your work. It is critical to show how you found the scholarly materials in your research. To help with this, JSTOR has a tab in their articles called “Cite This Item.” These citations will automatically cite the scholarly material in MLA, APA, and Chicago citations. These citations also come with exportable methods, whether as a text file or for other programs such as EasyBib and NoodleTools.

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