Where I’m at with the project

Since my last post, I have finished all research in regards to Southern Italy and Sicily. I also have begun working on research on the North African region of Tunisia, since the main domain of the Norman Kingdom of Africa was in the modern-day borders of Tunisia. That being said, prototyping has begun but has been slow due to my continued focus on research and my lack of direction on what digital tools I want to use. I have countered the digital tools issue by theorizing and prototyping every possible tool I could utilize and created an outlook on what may or may not work for my digital project.

Current issues I am having

Like the last post, the issues that I’m experiencing still extend from what platform to use. As of now, almost all platforms I’d like to use don’t seem to have what I want or I’m too unfamiliar with. However, I have decided to begin using ArcGIS to help me create a draft of the project, as I am familiar with its use. Even though I don’t plan to use it in the long term, I’d like to create a contingency plan should I find no viable platform for how I wish to structure my digital project.

Things that I am planning to do

Aside from finishing my research, I plan to focus more on what digital tools I plan to use for the project. As stated previously, there are a wide variety of digital tools I wish to try out. However, I also don’t want to overburden my audience with so many digital tools that they get bogged down and lost. Hopefully, I can properly utilize five or six digital tools that can be properly implemented. From there, I hope to continue to flesh out my prototype and hopefully begin building the actual project.

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