Where I’m at with the project
From my last post, I talked about covering all my research in regards to Southern Italy and Sicily. Since then, I have completed all research on the region of North Africa that is labeled Ifriqiya (modem-day Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya). Prototyping on ArcGIS has been underway, as well as creating a Word document of all things I want to add. I’ve also created visuals using Adobe products to help visualize what I want to do. Lastly, I have continued my search for a viable digital program to actually use for my project, where debates are being held between using WordPress or another program I haven’t discovered yet.
Current issues I am having
To no surprise, the issues that I’m experiencing still extend from what platform to use. While I am looking into using WordPress, I still haven’t found another program that could serve as a backup other than ArcGIS. On top of that, there’s no guarantee I can use WordPress. I am actively looking, and there is hope I will find something. As of now, ArcGIS is my project, but I still don’t plan to use it in the long term, I’d like to create a contingency plan should I find no viable platform for how I wish to structure my digital project.
Things that I am planning to do
Again, my focus is finding a viable program or seeing if I can use WordPress. I’m also plan on visualizing what digital tools will be viable and acceptable to use for the project. With the wide variety of digital tools I wish to try out, I still don’t want to overburden my audience with so many digital tools. Other than the basics of what I’m focusing on, I will begin typing into ArcGIS all of my research for the time being. I’ll try and summarize it as best I can for the time being and hope to continue building the actual project.