Since my last update, all of the digital tools have been selected for each and every chapter, and chapters one and two have everything taken care of. To reflect, the topic focuses on conceptualizing “historical phenomena” throughout world history and re-analyze them. Topics that range from religion, ideologies, regions, and culture groups will be under a microscope and present with information and counterpoints that are meant to challenge the user. The aim of the activity is to provide critical thinking tactics in ways that challenge our basic understanding of “historical phenomena” that everyone arguably knows. The audience is aimed at college students of all varieties, as well as prospectors of history who wished to have their historical viewpoints challenged.

As of now, I am working on the activities and questions for chapter two, three, and four. These chapters have topics that range in difficulty, going from easy to hard. The digital tools and media have already been implemented across chapter two as well. In short, chapter two is almost done once the critical thinking questions will be complete. After that, chapters three and four will be my next focal points. These chapters will be much harder than the last two and I aim to prove why. The topics selected will reflect that people have a basic understanding of them, but aim to show how little people really now about them.

As of now, the only challenges I’ve had include the implementation of newer digital tools. These tools, as of now, include the Maps, Cards, Summary, and Video widgets. The links were easy to implement, while the videos were simple enough to upload from YouTube and into the activities. Despite the challenges, the user guide gives me the insight on how to implement these widgets correctly. Although it’s not the step-by-step process that I’m accustomed to, it seems easy enough to understand and implement into the project.

In conclusion, the project now hinges on the creativity of the critical thinking questions and the digital widgets in Scalar 2. While chapters one and two set the tone of the activity, it will be chapters three and four that will determine the outcome of the activity overall. That doesn’t include the introductory, final paper, and citations pages that the activity will be having. On top of that, I’m still finding ways to make the project more lively with pictures. Despite my worries, I am confident in making the project engaging for all who try it out.

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