Since starting my internship, there have been new skills that I have been developing. Some of these skills are current ones that have been improved on, while others have been entirely brand new. One of these skills focuses on my writing capabilities and how I need to write an article for the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. My workshops with Charlie Weber and Lena Crown have amplified what I am able to do as an author for the future. Some of these writing skills include handling negative space, reaching my audience, and making my story personal and relatable.

Another such skill I am developing revolves around my ability to conduct digital research for media files. In previous graduate classes, my digital research mainly focused on finding research papers and peer-reviewed articles. While media files were researched for some papers, they were meniscal in the grand scheme of my capabilities. However, this internship has taught me how to thoroughly find media files and how to implement them in my articles. These include placement, spacing, and displaying of the media file.

Aside these key skills I’ve developed, there are other skills I hope to develop in the future. Overall, the skills I’ve utilized have helped me as a digital writer and researcher. However, more of what I want to develop should focus on digital tools and assets that I can apply into my professional career. The Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage has accelerated what I am able to do, regardless of the skills I want to achieve. Considering I have another semester with them, I aim to continue that growth and skill development.

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